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Lerntipps auf Englisch

    Schon so vielen Jahren sind zahlreiche Lerntipps ins Spanische übersetzt worden, nun wurden sie auch in wesentlichen Teilen auch ins Englische übertragen:

    The Secrets of the Time Masters – Master of Time

     Give your brain detention!

     The learning machine

     A Pupil’s Afternoon

    Get to the bottom of your teacher!

    The learning poster: Advertise against mistakes!

    Tables up to ten

     Cool Confucius guys

     I have a memory like a goldfish!

    How do reading professionals read?

    What is the capital of …

    Hopefully I’ll find something on the Internet …

    Send the learning material on its way …

    Fear eats up thoughts …

    Dominik’s nightmare

    Learning with the computer

    The formula for learning success

    „Today I just can’t concentrate!“

    Learning while walking

    Help your eyes to see!

    The best exam preparation: “Watch the flowers grow!”

    Pack the material in lumps!

    Non vitae, sed scholae discimus!

    Running After Vocabulary!

    Who will become a knowledge millionaire?

    Weblog – The logbook for internet surfers

    How do school professionals start the new school year?

    Gap learning against learning gaps

    “No learning tip” or “Georg under the bell”

    Management for school?

    Trojan Language School – The Schliemann Method

    The inner clock

     The speaker’s fear of the audience

    Warming up the brain

    The wizard’s study tips

    Travel preparations for the brain

    How do I prepare a presentation?

    „Go ahead!“ or „I can do it!“

     The student’s etiquette